Sunday, August 29, 2010

Beaver Reunion!

We went down to Beaver for my mom's family reunion with the Condie's! They are so much fun to be around! We did a few things down there! We went on a horse and buggy ride with the beautiful horses, shot some 22's at a ranch and Brad and Court brought their guns and mom and dad shot them haha mom took one shot and then was done! She was so funny she did great! =) Dad and Brad couldn't stop cuz they were having so much fun together! We also had a fun family raffle! Of coarse we had to have a rubix cube contest and David and Kimmy tied or were really close! Mom was teaching some of the other kids how to do the cube! haha they were so confused after about 5 minutes! Grandma and Grandpa did a cute singing number and they sounded so good! It was realy cute and funny! It was a lot of fun down in Beaver and so good to see everyone again!

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